Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Charm School Reunion

Okay for those of you who tuned in this past Sunday to Charm School Reunion special and was suprised by the show, I was browsing VH1's
website and came across this very intersting behing the scenes look that VH1's own Rich Juzwiak; who had a first hand look at all the drama what they didn't show us.
Here's a preview of when it was Shay and Larissa's turn to film what went down CLICK TO READ THE ENTIRE STORY.
"Anyway, it was time for Shay and Larissa's segment to tape, which was about 5,000 times more chaotic to watch in person than what aired on the reunion special. As they two had their split-screen showdown, there was barely a pause from either side. It was a constant stream of sound coming from both of them – it was sort of shocking that they heard each other at all since they were both talking so damn much. In my estimation, Shay acted out but it was to merely stand her ground. Larissa seemed far more hostile and baiting. At one point, she told Shay that she looked like a monkey (I don't believe that this made it to air, but I know that Mo'Nique later referenced it). Shay's response? "Kill yourself." To give credit where it's due: Larissa did say that she regretted the picture incident and that it never would have happened if she knew that Leilene's mother (who was in the picture) was dead. Darra and Schatar both piped up, with the former handling herself with the class that she generally does (basically: she doesn't hold a grudge for getting kicked off as a result of the picture incident) and the latter using any opportunity to talk about herself. While Schatar was clearing the air about not being a gold digger (again), Larissa called her a "motherf***er." That set Schatar running backstage. "No one calls me an MF!" she fumed. Seconds later, a talent manager told her to go back out to her seat and she obliged. So much for standing your ground. Thela also flew backstage in a rage – she'd do so at least one more time, complaining that she had somewhere to be. The aforementioned talent manager, quite awesomely, told her in response: "So do I. Now get back out there!" I didn't see Thela again until it was time to go."


Sheena Denean

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