Some Bammas from Texas had the bright Idea to celebrate Martin Luther King Day by having a Fried Chicken and Malt Liquor Party?!?
What in the Hell is wrong with these people? Our struggle means nothing to them!! Oh I am PISSED, look at these damn pictures!!!

JANUARY 25--Students at a Texas college threw a Martin Luther King Jr. Day party that featured attendees wearing gang apparel and Afro wigs, carrying malt liquor, handguns, and fried chicken, and even one woman dressed as Aunt Jemima. Photos of the January 15 event were discovered on a page by a Tarleton State University sophomore who heads the school's NAACP chapter. A selection of party photos can be found on the following pages. When he discovered the images, Donald Ray Elder told TSG, he sent an e-mail to Tarleton student Jeremy Pelz, on whose Facebook page the photos were placed in a folder titled "MLK." In a reply e-mail, Pelz (seen in the picture at right) told Elder that he would rename the folder in which the photos were placed "so it does not bring any disrespect to Mr. King." Pelz noted that the party was started a few years earlier "because one of best friends is black or African American, whichever you deem politically correct, to be his day not to dishonor him." He added, "So I do apologize if you felt any disrespect because none was intended." School officials have launched an investigation into the party and the university's president, Dennis P. McCabe, has denounced the photos as despicable. In a subsequent post, Pelz--who has yanked the party photos from his Facebook page--stated that the party was not meant to be "racist or discriminating."
Now right about now, I'm gonna PRAY. That's the only thing that will save me from calling these folks a really BAD NAME!!
Nicole Antoinette
1 comment:
Who in the HELL no who the SAM HELL told them that this was ok!!!This not funny by no means. I was so PISSED when I heard this on the news this morning. What the HELL were thinking.
Since you don't want to say it I will say it for you.
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